September 22, 2013


How did you spend the first official day of fall? The family and I did our tradition stop at the farm and picked up some farm fresh produced as well as homemade pickles and corn relish. After we got home I made a roast chicken with some of the stuff we picked up.  This weekend went by so fast that my heart aches a little. A part of me just wants to use an extra day to curl up in with the 3 of them and just watch television and cuddle all day long. Maybe next weekend.

September 20, 2013


Lets take a moment and say goodbye to pictures like these for a while!...goodbye!

The Night Circus. I wish I had more hours in the day to put to reading this book because so far it's been a delight! I feel bad as I have not gotten very far and considering that I am going back to school, Im not sure how long it will take me to finish this. I love how it's written, the language; not too wordy yet the author's use of the vinacular is smooth and intellegent.

How I JUST started watching Married to Jones is beyond me considering I am a sucker for reality television. I just adore Danielle, she's so sweet.

A few of my fall shows are coming back! Parenthood, Once Upon a Time and Walking Dead. The Parenthood is a such a true depiction of family and it makes me all walk inside when I watch it. I love that Once Upon a Time left off in Neverland and I am so excited to see the new host of characters that they introduce us to this season. If you follow Ginnifer Goodwin on Instagram you may have seen the latest teaser pics for the up coming season. I think there will be a new character SWIMMING around if you catch my drift *wink*. As for The Walking Dead, I am not sure how I felt about last season's finale but Rick is just too damn sexy for words even if he's going nuts, so whatever lol.

I'm pondering whether or not "currently" posts are supposed to be as long as I'm making this one.
Whether or not I think there is a point to giving someone under the age of 8 homework. 

On the short term there are a few things. Firstly I am looking forward to our upcoming trip to the farm this weekend! You have no idea how hard it was for me to hold off going ever since September began, I assure you, it's been hard! Now, going to the farm has always been something that our family has done but I wanted to start a new tradition. The first weekend closest to the actual first day of fall, we will go to the farm and shop at the farmers market then return home to make a nice dinner using the things we bought as our way to kick off fall.

Next month is my High School Reunion! 10 years seems like no time at all when you add Myspace (remember that?!) then Facebook, instragram and all that other social media stalking devices to the mix. There are certain people that I can't wait to see but Im not sure if I'm so much looking to reconnect but just to feel the high school nostalgia again. I'm inlove with the idea that our class has opted out of the the banquet hall and white table linens and decided to go for something a little more Jersey, a rented out bar I might add, with live entertainment and food.

If you have ever taken the drive from Ontario to New Jersey cutting through the mountains, that alone is something to look forward to. This trip we are taking without the boy, as we will only be in New Jersey for 2 days. We are going back for American Thanksgiving anyways (another thing I'm anticipating) with the boys anyways. No sense dragging them all that way for such a short time.

I am desperate for any tips on how to help my 6 year old build his motivation to do his homework and to do it without a fight. He's very smart but he's 6 so he wants everything to be fun and I have no idea how to make reading comprehension fun! Any tips?

September 14, 2013


I thought I was done with college. There was nothing, not anything, that anyone could say our do to send me back. Not even a team of wild horses could drag me there.

I had Joshua rather young in life and before I had him I didn't really take things seriously, thinking that I had all the time in the world. After I had him I said to myself,  hey girl, you need a career and you need one now! So it was off to school for me and this time I would pick something career specific.

I took the Law Clerk program mostly because  I could complete it in two years and then work as a legal secretary...those people made good money with experience.  I completed that in less than two years since I went straight through the summer. After graduation I decided, why not just become a Paralegal? That way I could take my own cases and make even more money, not to mention it would only take me an extra year since I had so many transfer credits from the Law Clerk program.  Halfway through I got pregnant with Lucas. Me and my ever expanding belly trotted on to campus every day because I was determined to finished this program as soon as possible. Eventually I decided to take time off so that I could stay home and rest and have my baby. A few months after Lucas was born I found a job in the Legal field working for a Landlord corporation which forced me to put my little 3 month old in daycare. It was a heart breaking moment and I felt awful. Joshua didn't have to go to daycare until he was 19 months old and I wanted the same for Lucas, but unfortunately life was not cheap, bills had to be paid.

I hated my job. I hated every minute of every day. My sole purpose was to evict people that were diliquent on their rent. You can imagine the phone calls that I received constantly throughout the day: 

"Please!" the woman begged. "I'm a single mother and I have 5 kids. My husband left me and he's not coming back. I can't even afford to buy my kids juice!"

That was over $120 and there was nothing that I could do about it, the Landlords were pressuring me to get them out. Needless to say I quit my job 4 months in. I realize that people can't live for free but it wasn't something that made me feel good as a person. I'm a big softy! So I was unemployed for a while but that was alright as Aaron was making more money at that point. I got to stay home with Lucas and Joshua for while. I was a stay at home mom for about a year and half and it had its highs and lows but I was happy to be there for my boys, especially Lucas since he was the baby.

At night I went back to school in order to complete the last few classes that I had left of the Paralegal program. After I finally graduated the only job that I could find was working part time doing retail working around Aarons schedule. Finally I landed a full time job working at the same company that Aaron does (different department and different floor). Aaron and I reached a whole new level of financial stability that I was so greatful for. I love this company and I love my job but of course I want to move up to high positions.  Well being that I work for a company that provides support for various University across the North America, they have this amazing benefit..they will pay for my education at any one of the various schools that they support. So the first chance I got, I put my name on the waiting list and six months later I was selected to enter a program that would allow me to complete my Bachelor's degree! Folks, Mama's going back to school in two weeks! I feel a mix of excited, scared, anxious and curios all wrapped up in one. I know this will be an amazing experience and great investment for my furture.

All of this reminds me of this post. I do want so much for my life and for my family and I just may be able to have everything I want but it might just take me more time to get there, but the great thing is, I am super patient!

September 6, 2013


1. Mini pita stuffed with chicken salad | Grapes & blackberries | Cheese
I love the mini pita idea. It is literally a two bit "sandwich" with no mess because it never falls apart! It's easy to eat especially for those with little hands.

2. Whole grain flax seed crackers | Cold cooked and sliced pepperoni | Cheese | Cucumbers and Tomatoes with salt and pepper 

3. Mini croissant sandwich with turkey and cheese (buttered) | Celery & tomatoes |Orange slices
Again, anything small for kids is super easy to eat and pretty fun. When slices the croissant, I didn't go all the way through (like a hotdog bun) so that it would hold everything in. Joshua loves to move around, toss him back pack and so forth so I want to make sure that if his lunch bag gets turned on it's side that his food will not deconstruct itself.

4. Whole grain wrap with turkey, cheese and red peppers | Grapes | dried apricots.
I put his wrap in tin foil only at ends to that he can pick it up and eat it with ease, avoiding parts from falling out of the bottom.

School started on Tuesday so that means I only had to pack 4 Lunches for Joshua. To save myself the hassle in the morning, I pack everything up the night before. Having a container with separate compartment prevents the juicy fruits from getting anything else soggy. I give him plain water to drink but from time to time I might put of a few shots of coconut water in to give it a healthy flavor.

September 3, 2013


The first day of the 1st grade.

Yea, that happened today.

I got to live out my lunch packing dream by preparing Joshua something the night before so that all I had to do this morning was to open the refrigerator, pull out his packed lunch bag and put it into his backpack. Done! I will go into more detail on Friday about what I backed him for the week.

He was eager to go to bed last night! Starting at around noon on Monday he kept asking "is it bedtime yet?" At which point we had to explain how many hours where left until bedtime, then we had to explain the concept of "hours" and the concept of "time" and why we needed time. *sigh*

This morning he was so excited to start his day. I felt a range of emotions. Happy, sad, excited, scared, anxious, nervous, proud, then sad again. At work people kept asking me what the matter was, I told them I was tired, which was true considering I didn't go to sleep until 2am this morning. Really I kept wondering about Joshua's day, looking at the clock and saying to myself he's already had lunch, I wonder how that went!?...He's had recess, I wonder how that went!!?

Everything went well according to Joshua! He ate all his lunch, his teacher told him that he was a good student, he made a friend and he had girl chasing him because they wanted to play with him but he wasn't up for know, cooties and all. 

September 1, 2013


Farm trip from 2012

September welcomed me with a cool breeze in the morning. I am looking forward to the crisp mornings and cool night with the sent of wood burning fireplaces in the distance. The leaves changing to yellow, bright orange and apple red. Currently I have filled my home with the season, Nutmeg & Spice candles, orange and white porcelain pumpkins, chocolatey brown throw blankets. I nearly died when I found out that the Pumpkin Spiced Latte would officially release on September 3rd, this undoubtedly marks the true beginning of autumn.

I am looking forward to so much this month. Besides the start of 1st grade and all that comes with it, I am anxious for trips to the farm filled with hayrides and pumpkin patches. Farm fresh produce, pies and jams. I can't wait until its socially safe to start decorating for halloween, I figure it will be when it officially becomes fall on the 22nd. I'm looking forward to cable knit sweaters, brown leather boots, light jackets and warm apple cider.

What are you looking forward to?