December 31, 2013


Last year my word for the year was “learn” and as 2013 concludes it is only appropriate to reflect on some of the things I have learned. 

I learned that having matching plates is extremely important when trying to obtain some sense of adulthood. (Here) Now I have 6 matching dinner plates, saucers, and bowls. Don't get me wrong, I am totally into mixing it up so that not everything is matchy-matchy, however the pictures above does not reflect that lol. 

I learned how easy it was to eat vegetarian for a week. In fact many of these recipes (here & here) have become household favourites.

I learned that doing something as simple as tossing rocks into a great lake can become one of our most cherished memories. 

I learned that you can have it all  but you might not have it all at the same time.

I learned that it’s okay for me to need my husband. I have always been a super independent, forward thinking kind of gal who thought that the idea of a woman needing a man to be outdated. It is true in a sense. Women shouldn't need A man or men in their lives but when you find the right one, the one that you create a life with, there is nothing wrong with needing his comfort and support. I need this from my husband along with a whole list of other things. Admitting this doesn't make me any less of a woman. 

I learned that completing my bachelors degree is super important.

I also learned that slowing down is the antidote for a hectic life and it makes for a calmer life.
What’s in store for 2014? Will I make resolutions or have another word to live by? I’m over making resolution. All I want and all I have ever wanted for myself and my family is to be the best that I/we can be. I think that will do.  

December 27, 2013


How was your Christmas?

Ours was rather eventful, but lovely.

It saddens me to take down our tree and to pack away all of our decor so I, along with most people I'm sure, will wait until new years day to part with the holiday season.

Last week we had this huge ice storm. We lost power for a good portion of the weekend. It was dreadful considering I had just discovered the joys of Netflix. Luckily my mom was in town staying with my Aunt who still had her power, so the guys and I spent all day Saturday there. The boys spent the night seeing that we were without heat and it was freezing cold outside. Aaron and I toughed it out and went back home. We were dressed from head to toe then climbed into bed and "slept like bears" as I put it (sleeping snuggled up). Luckily we regained power around 4am on Sunday morning. Some people are still without power. I cannot imagine how they are handling this in the dead of winter.

The storm was awful but it did make for a beautiful scene!

December 21, 2013


I can't blame everything on getting a record player but it would seem extremely coincidental that upon the arrival of this new device, the following things started to happen:

The television gets turned off a lot more
Cleaning has become more fun
I started reading more
I actually take time to listen to music all the way through an album

I love listening to old records. The pops and crackles are charming. While at work, I think about carving out a small section of time during my night, after the kids are in bed, to listen to Cat Stevens or Willie Nelson. It helps to have a lit Christmas tree and the fire place station playing on the television...makes up for not having real fire place! So I turn the television off (kinda) and listen to music while either reading a book or surfing the internet. Because I can't bother to get up and cue up a new song every single time, I get to enjoy listening to a full album. Calming and soothing.

I am enjoying that nostalgia and the slowing down of life.

Christmas is coming soon, I want the next 4 days to slow down too.