December 25, 2012


Christmas joy filled every corner of our household this morning. The paper we left scattered on the floor, cardboard boxes were flung this way and that way as boys played with their new toys. It was a big ole mess but I loved it, every itty bitty moment!

I loved our Christmas tree down to our old granny style Christmas decorations that were put out this year. I am not ready to pack them away, not just yet. 

I wonder when the amazement of the holiday season will wear off, I don't want it to. I feel like it is now that it has all sunken in. I'm not ready to take down the candles and the angels and the stocking. I want the festivity to live on and on and on. I suppose it will in the form of memories.



  1. Your lil man is crazy handsome and seems to be into the exact same things my 4 year old bubba is into, Batman and Legos! Thanks for sharing momma!:)

  2. Love those precious toes! :-) Found you through Casey! :-) Happy New Years!
